
5 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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That was beyond beautiful. I'm absolutely speechless. Bravo!

dizi responds:

wow!!! i feel high! u make me Thanks!

Great Effort!

This was cute! I kept wishing for more of a punchline, but on the whole, it was well done. Animation was great. As for gravity on the moon (does it say anywhere that he's actually on the moon?!), I think your previous critics are taking those details a little too seriously. ;-)

Falconer02 responds:

Thanks! And I'm glad SOMEONE is smart enough to realize that IT'S NOT THE MOON. And btw, I love your avatar!

Compression Is a Beautiful Thing.

It wasn't the worst I've ever seen, but I expected more, particularly with the load time required. It's unfortunate that you've decided all your critics are abusive rather than listening to their advice, but they happen to be right. You need to compress your sound files. Make your next movie a little longer...and perhaps more original. The headless stick figure thing has been done a million times, now. So, there's *my* "abusive" review. Have a nice day.

NoNameSticks responds:

lol, thanx forthe good review.It wasnt abusive, and they didnt give advice, and i just learned how to compress, so my next one should be better. (have a nice day)

Is that... it?!

So, let me see if I'm seeing this correctly... does the movie end with a girl sitting on a bench looking dejected? That scene seems to take up most of the movie, actually, and I don't know about your girlfriend, but *I* don't understand the message. The graphics have a lot of potential. There just needs to be *more* to this music video than, y'know, Dejected-Looking Girl. (And I'm not an ass, thank you very much!)

navahl999 responds:

LOL no you are not an ass.. this flash is unfinished but it will be and i will submit the end version when im done, i just need to know if im going the right direction

I'm doin' stuff.

Katy Towell @crookedsixpence

Age 43, Female

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